We are glad, you visited ERPAcademe.com's privacy policy. We provide easy and secure way of transactions to our site/application users. Please review our privacy policy periodically and undoubtedly. Contact us at info@erpacademe.com for any query you may have.
ERPAcademe is always dedicated to guard you privacy and information security on top priorty.
To that end, the company follows the strictest consumer privacy guidelines and uses state-of-the-art security technologies to protect any information you provide to and through our website, www.erpacademe.com , or any other sites owned or operated by the company.(hereinafter referred to as the 'ERPAcademe')
Registered & Unregistered Users
As it is decided by ERPAcademe, some services may not require registration. Users should beware to access service on ERPAcademe is sole discretion of ERPAcademe.
Respect and Customers' privacy
ERPAcademe, vouch to our clients and customer's privacy safeguard. We value the information that is received from you.
Scope of Privacy Policy
It addresses the privacy unfolded to the visitors of erpacademe.com and also specifies the data and information that we collect, how we disclose and use it & the step we take to secure privacy.
Information collection
We never store any credit card information on ERPAcademe. The communication between payment gateway while processing the payment is purely served with 256 bit encryption level.
When you sign-in with us, visit us or participate in activity on our site, we group personal information from you, like – name, email, address, mobile number etc. When you visit us, information about computer's IP, browser type, times visited etc. may be maintained as information.
We don't store personal information from you until & unless you visit our site and intend to advertise or use our services or need information about them. We may track your non-personal information related to your domain name, URL used by you, IP address and time spent with us etc. We may store your profile information, in case of order, services and offers of your interest. Profile information such as full name with(age & sex), address with (pin & home town), contact number, email ID and purchase history. We ask you for user name, feedback and review, which we will store.
Purposes of information collection
When you use ERPAcademe and share information with us, those information are secured with ERPAcademe only and used for such wherein information sharing becomes necessary, example while processing of a fee payment service to any of your school/college. ERPAcademe does not share such information with third party except in case of school/college, where it is necessary for fee payment.
Personal information is to provide custom made and improve services to you. Your personal information is required for troubleshooting and safety of our site in case of cyber crime or cyber fraud. In addition to new services and product, order details, OTPs and any other information is conveyed by using your personal information. We may share this information with other corporate affiliates and entities for the same reasons mentioned above.
Cancellation Policy
In the case of cancellation the user would get the amount of fees paid through ERPAcademe as decided by the recipient institute, however in no circumstances the Processing Fees and the applicable taxes would be refunded.
1. Payment can be cancelled by associate school/college with or without information as their respective policies.
2. Responsibility of filling correct information for fee payment is on payer. If the information provided during filling form is incorrect or partially incorrect, ERPAcademe has rights to cancel such payment with or without consent of school/college.  
3. In case of any refund on cancellation, payment will be settled under policies and terms & conditions of the respective school/college.