Impact of COVID-19 in Indian Education System

  • 16 Oct 2020

Impact of COVID-19 in Indian Education System

COVID-19 has not only ruined the health care sector and economy of India but changed the way of living. Modern technology seemed to be like a blessing in disguise during the lockdown. It served as the backbone in every industry including the education system.

As schools, colleges and universities were shut down to halt the rising corona viruses cases, online classes have become the new normal! No doubt people are getting comfortable with audio calls, video calls, app messages to stay connected.

But, schools are looking for innovative methods and a school management system to deliver lectures efficiently, ensure 100% attendance, track student’s performance, conduct online exams, design e-mark sheet, allow online fee payment and streamline other school activities.

Here comes the role of ERP school software:

This software is a cloud-based tool designed to automate the administrative and managerial activities of the school. ERP software is a beautiful e-learning platform that allows effective communication among teachers, students and parents; through SMS, Email and Mobile Apps. Online admission, fee collection, library access everything is just one click away.

The information of the users is stored in a digital platform and secured via data encryption, authentication, data masking and limited access - to prevent hacking, malware attack and breach of student privacy by malicious predators.

Challenges to the Indian education system

COVID-19 has taught people to embrace and make a better relationship with technology. It is bringing an unexpected change in the education system. A very few schools are implementing ERP software or an online learning management system to deal with the adversities. Schools must educate users about the safe use of school learning management software to prevent a data breach.

There is a need for more awareness among schools about cheap, easy to use, robust, and scalable ERP school software. So, that more educational institute can cope up with the new normal.

On the other hand, a good speed internet connection is a major obstacle for many students and teachers. Some of them belong to an underprivileged background and unable to afford necessary gadgets, devices and stable internet connection. Therefore, adopting and using immersive learning technologies like augmented reality and virtual reality is a long way to go.

These challenges are increasing mental stress and anxiety among students, teachers as well as parents. It is the responsibility of the educational institutes to support their teachers and students in the best way possible. And help young learners adapt to the change.

In conclusion, COVID-19 is helping the Indian education system to evolve!

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